Mercy Creek (7/18/05)

I think this is my first blog entry where get to talk about seeing a band for the second time! I had such a great experience the first time I saw Mercy Creek, that I wasn't going to miss a chance to see them again. This time, my former roomie John was with DeVane & myself. We first stopped by the closest (and friendliest) gay bar to my place for a drink, the Leather Stallion. Don't be scared by the name, or that it's the oldest leather bar in the Midwest, because it's actually a very cool place. Great service, good food, and probably one of the best outside patios to be had in Cleveland.

Mercy Creek didn't disappoint the second time seeing them. In fact, I think they just keep getting better & better. John really enjoyed them, so much that he actually wrote a blog article about them.

Here's a song from one of their older albums that they played in concert that I really enjoyed (more than I enjoy this recorded version, but what the hell, I'll post it anyway). It's "Shadow Dance" from The Name of This Record is Mercy Creek:

This show was also back when I just signed up for my new Flickr account. This particular night, I was feeling that pictures should become a bigger part of my blogging, such as integrating updating the blog and the flickr account equally, so I got up in front of everyone to grab a different seat and to get some better pics (I'm sure I looked silly, but then by that time I was abit lit.) Even after a couple months, it still ain't a bad idear.

Check out my Flickr account for the rest of the pics from Mercy Creek:

Posted: Sat - October 1, 2005 at 03:53 PM           |
