Ray LaMontange (2/11/05)
was quite excited about this show... Ray LaMontagne's "Trouble" was one of the rare
CD's that strike you the first time you listen to it. Many of my all time
favorite albums have taken months of listening to fully appreciate, but not this
one. Amazing. His album is rich, soulful, and a bit rough around the edges,
but they are all the right edges. His CD also has great album art, and there's
a lot to say about that. The album first caught the attention of my friend Leo
on a listening station at Borders, which I do have to give kudos to, as I have
found many great new artists on their listening stations.
Enjoying his music for several weeks, I experienced a joy that is should be
experienced more often. He was coming to Cleveland to the Beachland
Ballroom ! There's nothing better than enjoying a great CD for a
couple weeks and then having that artist come and perform locally. The night
was set. Though I tried to get many others to attend, it ended up being just
Leo and myself. We went to the show early to get some food and ended up sitting
in the Tavern (I highly recommend eating at the Beachland, get their burrito
when it's offered). Not sure what the hold up was, but our food took so long
that we ended up missing Johnathan Rice who opened the show. I can't
say I felt rushed as I wasn't terribly excited from listening to the music on
his website.
Ray entered the stage with as little fan fare as I have ever seen. On stage
with him was Chris Thomas on stand up bass. Ray had a seat and started right
into the music. He sounded great, as I would have expected, but what stood out
was the uneasyness on stage. He mostly looked to the ground and often pulled
his hair to his eyes. Several times he would break out a harmonica, along with
having a bass on stage, made for a great mix of instruments that complemented
every song he played. He also littered new songs throughout the set, including
one he wrote in 15 minutes back stage on Johnathan Rice's guitar. At one point
he broke into a loud rant-of-sorts, which roused the crowd, but then seemed to
make him even more uncomfortable. With his raspy voice, he was had a sense of
longing and passion. At one point
someone shouted out, asking how he was doing. "Baked" he replied. "Just a
little... It is true what they say about Cleveland having great weed." That
explained plenty.
He ended the set just as awkwardly as he had started. Set his guitar down and
walked to the front of the stage to start signing autographs. Leo went for more
beers and I grabbed a promo poster off the wall and waited in line for an
autograph. I almost gave up, as the people in front of me felt the need to hang
out with him as if they were best friends. Leo convinced me to stay and I have
to say that I'm thankful. Not because I was able to get his autograph and thank
him for coming to Cleveland, but because I got to hear something I couldn't
believe. Someone was telling Ray how he listens to lots of music, which his dog
normally pays no attention to, but with Ray's music, the dog just *loves* it.
He told Ray that his music transcended humans. Cleveland *must* have great
Posted: Wed - February 16, 2005 at 01:26 PM |
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